My mission

Transforming Ideas into Visually Stunning Motion Designs that Captivate Audiences and Bring Stories to Life—whether for innovative marketing campaigns or unforgettable film and series title sequences.

My tailored motion design elevates your brand’s storytelling, ensuring your message resonates powerfully with your audience.

  • motion design service

  • expert Visual FX

  • Video Editing studio

  • 2D & 3D graphics expertise

my Portfolio: Showcasing Cutting-Edge Motion Design Projects

my experience

I'm Antoine Maurais, Motion & visual designer.

With years of experience at top design agencies, I’ve had the privilege of crafting creative solutions for some of the world’s most iconic brands.

My passion for design continues to evolve, bringing fresh, innovative ideas to every project I undertake—ensuring your brand stands out in a crowded market.

Let’s Create Something Stunning Together